It’s never a good story to read – 4 drivers dead on Queensland roads in 24 hours
Bloody idiots
When will people learn to drive not only to the conditions, but as importantly to their abilities?
This Queensland Government or any future Government should legislate that new drivers do an advanced driving/safety course during the tenure of their P’s.
I did when I got my license 45 years ago and it was the best road safety lesson I ever had. And yes, when I was a lot younger than I am today, I drove fast and hard too. I admit that. But shortly after getting my license, my dad entered me into an advance road safety program where I learnt to drive properly.
Learn to Drive schools just don’t have the ability nor the law on their side to reach learners how to drive to survive.
If you’ve got a young person in your family driving a car or learning, reach out to the Australian Road Safety Foundation. Through this site, you can access advance driver programs in any state
Costs too much? Well, how much is a life worth? An investment for a few hundred dollars today will save millions over the life of drivers.
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