Hello, Bob Aldons, the owner of The Car Guy and Car Business here.
I’ve been in the Car Business for over 40 years – since Feb 16th 1978 to be exact. And yes, I’m old, but not that old that I don’t keep up to date with everything to do with Cars and Car Buying. That’s what I do. Since selling my Northstar franchised dealerships (Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge, Volkswagen and Isuzu Ute and formerly Mitsubishi and Suzuki in 2012) in 2015, I’ve stepped to the other side of the desk.
Car Business is a New Car Buying Service or New Car Broker that aims to get the Best New Car Price for my customers. Through my car industry contacts, I’m able to get a discount on all new cars – even the ones on sale. I’m often asked questions about my business and how I go about helping my customers buy Any New Car Cheaper. Here are a few answers to these Frequently Asked Questions. (faqs)
These answers are general in nature. If, however, you’d like to discuss them in more details, feel free to reach out to me. My contact details are at the end of this story.
New model due soon?
I’ve been able to get a discount on new release cars too. I offer Stress-Free new car buying when buying a new car.If you really want to clarify what Car Business is all about – I’m a car brokerage service buying discount new cars and getting new car savings
Will a Dealer Provide a New Car Quote?
Typically no. Dealer new car salespeople are encouraged not to provide the best new car price to someone who just walks into the showroom.
Generally, they’ll say – “Sorry we don’t give out our best price to anyone. When you’re ready to buy, come back with your best new car quote and we’ll match or beat it then.”
Can You Negotiate on Drive Away Prices?
A dealer will generally say that the manufacturer has already discounted the car and used the dealer margin.
I say fooey to that. Even on heavily discounted or cheap new cars, I’m able to get a discount. After all, manufacturers don’t take all of the dealer profit – some dealers are prepared to reduce that profit in order to secure more new car business.
How To Buy A New Car Cheaper / Cheap New Cars / How to Get the Best New Car Price?
It’s pretty simple really. In the years before the internet, anyone wanting to buy any new car cheaper would go from dealer to dealer asking for their best price on a new car.
Roll on to 2019 and customers are getting a bit lazy. They think they’ll be able to find the best price on the internet but the fact remains that the ‘old way’ is still the best way to buy a new car.
All I do is ask the dealers on my approved dealer list to offer their best price on the particular new car that my customer is inquiring about. They submit their offers and I submit the best new car price to my customer for their consideration. Simple as that
Negotiating A New Car Price
I’m often asked can you negotiate price on new cars or how do you negotiate with a car dealer. The answer is a resounding yes. Car dealers, like all retailers, want to sell as many of their products as they can. But if you don’t ask for a discount or their best new car price, they’re not inclined to offer their best deal.
Even Drive-away price leave room for negotiation. Offers advertised by either the dealer or car manufacturer still have some margin available. Through Car Business, I know which buttons to push or levers to pull. I’m asking them to reduce the size of their margin to get business from me for you
It’s all about getting the best price on any new car for my customers. From the cheapest Chinese brand to the most expensive supercar, I’ve got the experience to save my customers significant money on the purchase of a new car
Do you offer any guarantees?
Most car brokers won’t give you any guarantee that they can do better than you can. A number of brokers, in fact, won’t deal with you if you’re shopping around yourself. At Car Business, I welcome you to get your own changeover figures. If I can’t save you on the new car that you want, even with my fee included, then I won’t charge you anything other than a nominal retainer.
Most car brokers receive under the table undisclosed payments (secret commissions) from the dealers that they’re getting your car from. My fee is paid by you, the buyer with a small contribution coming from the successful dealer. If you’d like to know more about this, ask me for details.
So, if you’re after a discount on all new cars, talk to your dealer, but don’t sign anything until you’ve seen Zupps – sorry me at Car Business.
Reach out:
Bricks and Mortar 265 Oxley Avenue Margate Q 4019
Phone 0418 748 498
Email bo********@ca*********.au
Facebook www.facebook.com/carbusinessqld
Small Business Advice – Accelerated Depreciation Car Broker Brisbane – Car Business Will Save You Money Brisbane Car Broker – Any New Car Cheaper